Saturday, March 28, 2009

Name this Dame

The Wandering Wardrobe has a brand new mannequin. She has everything she needs, including a face, except for a name.

Drop by the store and enter our "Name this Dame" contest. You could win a brand new, really cute purse!

Monday, March 16, 2009

This is a good day

I blogged a couple of weeks ago about my good friend Becky's project, "Operation Hooah", and sent a constant contact email to our customers. Neither had anything to do with consigning or selling used clothes, but everything to do with remembering good times with a good friend, and caring about her cause. I thought that I was in a position to get the word out, and that my friends and customers might want to help.

I received an email today from Aubree Bushman, the school counselor at Mt. Loafer School in Salem, Utah, regarding Operation Hooah:

"We're going to make about 30 care packages and have each class be in charge of writing letters to the service men and women. I plan on assembling the packages next week and then plan on taking them to the post office that weekend. I'll have my student council help out with getting each class to write a packet of letters and then I'm going to have some of my young women
help assemble the packages. We're using money from a service project we did at Mt. Loafer last year to pay for the packages".

This means 30 young men and women serving our country will receive packages from Salem, Utah. More importantly, 30 young men and women will know that people care, and appreciate the sacrifices they are making. It means young kids in Salem, Utah, are learning good things, and making a difference.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Stay Tuned!

Wanda is looking hot in this Refuge skirt, Ralph Lauren t, flip flops, funky jewelry and sunglasses, all temporarily available at the Wandering Wardrobe. Life is just about to become very exciting for Wanda, and that's all I'm going to say about that right now. Watch the blog and the Wandering Wardrobe's Facebook page to see what happens!

Get your shopping shoes on and mark your calendars for Friday, April 3 from 6-9 p.m. for our spring LADIES' NIGHT. We'll have lots of new jewelry, purses, scarves and other fun stuff that you're going to LOVE, and I'll be reminding your favorite consignors to clean their closets so the store will be brimming with spring and summer fashions for you and your home.

This event is RSVP, ladies only. RSVP right NOW to save your place. Reservations will be limited.

Sign up at the store or send me a message on Facebook. On Facebook, become a fan of the Wandering Wardrobe and receive updates on both Ladies' Night and Wanda's upcoming adventures.

When you become a fan, your name will be entered in our drawing for a brand new handbag! The winner may choose a handbag in stock now or from the fabulous shipment we expect today or tomorrow.